Monday, November 16, 2009

it was NOT my husband who bought a new washing machine, because our old one was "broken" to find out the new one was "broken" too...we just needed to reset the outlet!

it was NOT one of my 3rd grade students talking about their facebook page...really?

it is NOT me googling new recipes for my 2 foot long pork loin

it is NOT me who's already going to start putting out Christmas decorations this week

it is NOT me who sent my hubby an email of something i want for Christmas

it is NOT me who gets frustrated with pregnant women when they tell britt and i that "my baby isn't going to be a "sling baby" do you know????? your baby isn't even born yet!!!!!

it was NOT us (as in me , jord, britt, & patty) going on a neighborhood search for our dog, pearl, come to find she was stuck in the garage b/c it was NOT us who burnt our bread for dinner and had to open all the windows and doors to air out the house and accidentally locked pearl in the garage.