Christmas morning and more

Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas morning was spent at my parents house in Georgetown. Payton was so precious. She loved opening her presents and was busy, busy crawling around. JuJu and Pops got her a trailer for our bike! Fun Fun!

Nana and Grandad came down from Oklahoma the next day and spoiled her rotten! She got a cute little car that Nana was pushing her around on and her Great Grandma gave her a baby doll.

Christmas pics, Santa and more

                                                                         Smile at Santa
                                                                  Patyon and Aspen
             Notice cousin Elijah and Payton are matching :) We act like they are brother and sister


Thursday, December 18, 2008

In 2005, two weeks after we were married we moved to Frankfurt, Germany. We were fortunate to be able to work at a Nazarene church where we formed long lasting memories. We were also able to do a little traveling while we were there. My girlfriend, Erin and her husband, are spending Christmas in Paris and it just made me want to walk down memory lane from our time there.

The beautiful views while in Paris, Prague and Frankfurt. We visited Paris with my parents. We also were in Frankfurt for the World Cup. That was an awesome experience!

Sissy's Designs Debut at G'town's Christmas Stroll

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

This is our set up for a craft fair. It was a beautiful Saturday at the Stroll. My sister even showed up for a bit to check on us.  :) People were so complementary of our items. Paytie was a great model and even helped me sell a few slings through a demonstration. Our newest items are the Jr. Slings for little dolls. 

Sissy's Designs is a business that my sister and I started because we love to create! It is our desire that through this fun business we can work toward being SAHM's. We want to be able to capture those precious smiles everyday. That is if we don't ring each others neck before then :) love-ya Sis

Wife...Mother...NOW an AUNT!!!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

We are so excited to be an aunt and uncle!!!
Baby Elijah is perfect. He was born December 3, 2008 at 1:28 AM
He was 5 pounds 15 ounces and 19 inches. We are so proud of my sister, Brittany, and Patrick is such a super dad! Payton has a new cousin, she was very interested in him. Thank you for sharing in our joy!

Check out Brittany's adorable, custome hospital gown created by Sissy's Designs
(thanks to the help on my talented mother-in-law)

Bed rest for Auntie

Monday, December 1, 2008

My sister, Brittany, was recently put on bed rest due to high blood pressure. She is almost 36 weeks pregnant. Here's a picture of her and Payton listening to each others heartbeat. 
I can't wait till baby Elijah is here. The doctors think they might have to take him on Friday.

Payton was saying hi to Elijah.


I am sorry to say these are all the pictures we have for Payties first Thanksgiving. We had a wonderful time in Oklahoma City visiting Jordan's parents, but unfortunately Payton was sick the whole time. We had to take her to the doctor and we found out she had an ear infection and a really bad cough. It's been tough on her, but I think it's looking up for her.

She didn't really care about her sweet potatoes and green beans 

She did smile a little for us throughout the weekend.

My dearest friend, Audra had to get some Payton lovin'

Night out on the town

My hubby surprised me with a night out on the town in OKC! He was so sweet to give us our first night away from our girl. We stayed at this beautiful hotel in downtown Oklahoma City called The Skirvin. It is a historical hotel that was originally built in the late 1800's. 

Jordan educated me about the history of the hotel that was written on the duvet.

Check out those curtains...they were in the lobby.

and here it is...The Skirvin

Christmas is here!!!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

well, at least at our home! we got a jump on things this year with juju and pops' help. paytie loves her christmas tree. it is so sweet seeing her face light up with smiles when she sees the tree.

crawling, food, smiles...and more

we officially have a crawling paytie! every baby must have little knee pads. look at those skinny legs :) if your wondering...those are brown cloth diapers that paytie is testing out for her new cousin. i will admit that they did not leak...but it was only #1.....good luck on #2 auntie britt

don't you just love her tights and sunglasses

and none the less...she does not like butternut squash for now

can you believe this blue eyes baby is ours?