Mac Joys!!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Oh the fun and silly things that can be done!  Courtesy of an iMac!  This week our family got a new computer and we took some silly pictures with Brittany and Patrick.  Can you imagine if your child had this big of a head?!

First Petting Zoo Experience

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Payton got to pet her first baby sheep!  Our friends have some land and a little farm with a mule, horse, guinea hens, goats, cattle, and sheep.  Payton kept staring at the sheep every time they would make noise.  Fun times!

Best Friends

Friday, August 8, 2008

Today my high school friend, Amanda, came over with your 2 month old daughter, Aspen. We had a wonderful morning sharing stories and smiling at our little girls. Here are Payton and Aspen.

Rice cereal anyone?...maybe not.

Friday, August 1, 2008

We are now to the cereal stage and she is not very happy about it. As you can see from the before and after shot at her second time to try it.

Paytie can roll over

She's a big girl now! We discovered she could roll over when we heard a thud and she was no longer on the couch...oh, we learn the hard way sometimes. She rolls from her back to her tummy like a pro!

Showing off her toys

Payton is very interested in her toys. She loves her jumper and her play gym. She thinks Oscar is a big stuffed animal, she smiles at him all the time. And she holds on tight to her lobster, Lenny, she got from our trip to Boston/Main. She is such a happy girl. She smiles, giggles and babbles all the time! It is a wonderful sound hearing her your baby girl talk to you.