First Tooth!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Everyday I have been checking Payton's mouth for a sign of teeth. Today when I picked her up from our neighbor I felt a poke on her bottom was a tooth! Her first one!

   Do you see her first tooth?  :) Oh, that silly tongue is in the way.

Play time in her crib

Jonas' room makes a cute Payton room

Just relaxing, notice her adorable bib her Nana made her.

A little of OKC

Our good friend Sarah and new mommy with baby Oliver 

in a personalized sling, by Sissy's Designs

Smilie Payton and sleepy Oliver Preston

My good college friends (left 1st)  Dr. Heather, Brooke, me, Audra, & Prof. Nancy

   little Oliver...Payton is getting to know him  :)

Going for a walk with Nana and Grandad

Paytie has her own little rocker that Nana covered just for her

My amazing hubby is from Oklahoma city and he grew up with the same group of friends and they are all still really, really close.  It is such a neat bond. Now we are all big kids and have spouses, one kiddo for us and the new addition....Oliver. He belongs to Corby and Sarah. 

Updates for Nini :)

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Naked girl! Bath Time. She is such a big girl! This was her first bath in the big tub by herself. She did great until I took this picture and she fell face down into the water and wacked her head on the was so sad. I screamed and then dropped my camera into the water. If you ever drop your phone or camera in water just seal it in a baggie full of rice! Can you believe it? Well, it works. Days later our camera works just great. 

Look at our little one. She takes a pacifier now!!!! We can't believe it! Just this past week she started taking it. :)

Daddy was trying to feed Paytie...I don't think she is very interested!

We braved the lake during Hurricane Ike

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Daddy and Uncle P Dress Me!

Thanks to my Daddy and Uncle P, I looked super cute while I was at the lake this weekend!

Paytie is Sitting Up!!!!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Our big girl is sitting up!!!! We were at our thursday night bible study group and I sat her down on the table in front of me and she held herself up! WOW! Parenthood is amazing.

Sissy's Designs

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Brittany and I are entrepeneuers! We are have started our baby business and God is good to us!
We make slings, nursing covers we call "Ta Ta Tents", bibs "drooldanas", and matching burp cloths. Think of us for the next baby shower you attend. Check us out on the web.

Colorado here we come!

Our first girl trip! Ju Ju, Auntie Britt, Paytie and Mommy headed off to Denver, Colorado for a friends wedding. We had a great time at Laurens wedding, seeing the beautiful Rockie Mountains, shopping in Colorado Springs and just hanging with the girls.