a very merry christmas

Thursday, December 31, 2009

christmas eve pics...eli was pooped(our husbands say this is the last time they can match)

eli scored with a cozy coop that they now fight over
and payton scored with an adorable retro kitchen from juju and pops. all the family helped stock it full-notice our matching pj's :) my mother-in-law made them! she made us all matching pj pants and even for our dog pearl (pics to come)

she cooks while i'm in the kitchen, it is so cute. she even pretends water is coming out of the faucet and fills up her pans.
her first CPK

back pack with a puppy/purse
and santa brought the boys a poker table!!

visit from nana & grandad

nana and grandad braved the 14 inches of snow in oklahoma to come see us!
payton was spoiled with a cool tent with a tunnel, play food for her kitchen, a stuffed nemo, snow white movie, a lots more.

we road the train in cedar park she had lots of fun

we walked around downtown on sunday and went to the book stores and on monday she cried when they left. :(
it really was a great visit.

putting the kitchen together

it's cookie decorating time

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

our sweet neighbor, lara, had us over to decorate Christmas cookies! it was a blast! the kiddos enjoyed it too.

even in the hard times

Monday, December 14, 2009

the Lord blessed us with payton to make us smile. today i was doing dishes and in quite a daze when i realized i heard nothing...and as a mother you know when you hear nothing from your child they are usually into something they shouldn't be.
...this is where i found our sweet payton, sitting in her rocker reading her german baby book that nicole and silka gave us when we lived there.
payton brings us true joy and especially during the tough moments of our lives.

payton loves sitting with her dada while he plays video games.

thank you to everyone for your thoughts, emails, food, and prayers. we believe the Lord will guide us through this journey.
updates to come.

oh no it's Santa!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

it wasn't quite the reaction i was hoping for, but it makes for a memorable picture.
our 2nd annual picture with santa and "gg's" house. (amanda's mom)

paytie, ewan, gg, and aspen

the best 1st birthday ever

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

elijah's party was a hit among the neighborhood kiddos and friends!
the theme was bouncy balls and there were circles everywhere.
i think his favorite part was the cake.
britt did such an awesome job with his party. now you know where i get my ideas from.
she even handmade fabric flags to hang from the lights.
it was eli and payties first time in a bounce house and they giggled the whole time

his big boy car
she loved the "baby playland" as britt called it. the sand table was the best part

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday Elijah!
you are the best cousin ever!
love, paytie

it's that time of year again!

where's payton??? as i was decorating she found a hiding spot.

payton is obsessed with bubbles. when we were in the car she pointed out the window and said "BUBBLE!!" at first we didn't know what she was talking about then we looked and figured it out....she was talking about the moon. it was really cute!

thanksgiving 2009 in okc

we started out in georgetown at my parents house on wednesday night. woke up to juju's cinnamon rolls and headed to okc thanksgiving morning to miss the traffic. it worked out great!
once we got there we enjoyed a great thanksgiving meal with all the fixin's:)
on saturday we all piled in the car to see beautiful christmas lights in chickasha, ok. (jordan and i took a picture on that exact bridge when we were in college) payton loved the lights.

between working out with grandad and picking up pecans with nana, she was a very busy girl, but there's always time for a photo-op.

we went to a local pizza joint that was yummmmmy!
as always we had a wonderful time in oklahoma. thanks nana and grandad!

takin' it back retro style

Sunday, November 22, 2009

our church had a volunteer appreciation dinner and we were asked to dress up in our favorite decade. our fam represented the 50's, 60's, & 70's.
jordan really took ownership of his outfit and started a month ago to grow out his bread then created his amazing handle bars. i attempted a beehive with a roll of toilet paper under that mess.
thank you so much hcb-rr staff for putting on such an awesome show tonight. you all out did yourselves!!

the after effect

reduce, reuse, recycle :)