Birthday Friends...more to come

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Aspen and Payton...taking after their mommies

Payton with her (2nd)cousin...I love my family

my girl is looking good in her new swim suit.
Thanks, Apsen for her adorable suit.

Sarah, Oliver, Corby(and his tongue), Aubree, Josh and us
......we are missing another dear couple, Dustin and Audra

Rubba-Dub-Dub with Oliver

This is Oliver and Payton taking a bath together...scandalous I know. Oliver is the son of our good friends Corby and Sarah. They live in Oklahoma City and came down for Paytie's b-day.

They were cold and unsure of the camera


Payton Elizabeth is one year old!!! Can you believe it? Here are a few pics from her b-day photo shoot. (sorry they're a little blurry, they are proofs)It was fun watching her dig into her pink flower cake. She was not impressed!

My wonderlful mother-in-law MADE her this teddy bear out of mink. She also redesigned two matching dresses to fit her and her new little friend. (we still need to come up with a name)and made cute headbands for them both! So sweet!

Happy St. Patricks Day!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

wee bit o'Irish

The leaves were so interesting!
I hope you're wearing green...or she might pinch you :)

3 miles and counting

Sunday, March 15, 2009

We had a great bike ride today on the Georgetown hike and bike trail!
The weather is finally acting like Spring and not Winter!
Uncle P carried both babies in our bike trailer. This bridge was picture perfect, I just had to snap a shot. Sissy and I have matching bikes and love strolling around Georgetown on them. The boys have fancy mountain bikes.

Look at my plumpy nephew. He is only 3 lbs lighter than Paytie :)
The babies loved the ride!

Daddy and Paytie playin tunes together

Monday, March 9, 2009

Jord and Paytie were having a good ol' time playing
her little drum and piano. It makes us light up that she loves
music so much! As most of you know, my hubby plays the
drums in our church praise team. When Payton comes to practice she loves watching him. It's so cute! For Jordans sake, I hope she can keep a beat in the future.

This was my grandmas piano. Paytie really enjoys
crawling over to it and playing it....melts my heart.

Tribute to Oscar

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Oscar has found a new home.
For those of you who don't know, this is Oscar.
He was our handsome bulldog. We recently sold him to a great couple
in Houston who just adores him. We just weren't giving him the attention
he needed so we decided to find him a new home.
Now we are dog free and hair free, but we sure miss him especially Paytie.

I promise she crawled in there all by herself.

They were buddies

TAKS Blues

To all the dear people out there taking and administering the TAKS test heart goes out to you! :)