Rubba-Dub-Dub with Oliver
This is Oliver and Payton taking a bath together...scandalous I know. Oliver is the son of our good friends Corby and Sarah. They live in Oklahoma City and came down for Paytie's b-day.
Payton Elizabeth is one year old!!! Can you believe it? Here are a few pics from her b-day photo shoot. (sorry they're a little blurry, they are proofs)It was fun watching her dig into her pink flower cake. She was not impressed!
My wonderlful mother-in-law MADE her this teddy bear out of mink. She also redesigned two matching dresses to fit her and her new little friend. (we still need to come up with a name)and made cute headbands for them both! So sweet!
3 miles and counting
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Daddy and Paytie playin tunes together
Monday, March 9, 2009
Tribute to Oscar
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
TAKS Blues
To all the dear people out there taking and administering the TAKS test heart goes out to you! :)