1st Kids meal

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Payton had her 1st kids meal at Chik-fil-a.
It was adorable! She loved every bit of it.
We even traded in her toy to get a free ice
cream cone. (that will be an interesting concept
when she gets older)
FYI- free kids meal with purchase of a value
meal on Tuesdays

i love this girl

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

a little game of Peek-A-BOO

Happy Easter

Thursday, April 16, 2009

First Easter Egg Hunt!

Texas Bluebonnets

Monday, April 13, 2009

We had to drive a bit, but Aunite and I found some!
Between the sun and our tired babies we didn't really get any smiles, but
we still love them.

Kisses for Elijah...he didn't quite embrace them.

New at Sissy's Designs....

We are now selling personal hospital gowns.
Check out our site

Sock Hop Carnival

My school had a 50's themed carnival so of course I had to make a poodle skirt for Payton. These are my other coworkers and their little ones. Payton is the oldest out of the gang.

Payton and her friend Leah were having fun at the cake walk.

...and then she took off for the stairs.

Daddy loves his girl

Chocolate fountains and weddings

my parents own a chocolate fountain business "chocolate dreams"and this is their big set up! it's just beautiful and yummy! it was an old church friend and we were invited to the wedding also so we played dress up with our babies and went! :)

Fun at the park

While Corby, Sarah, and Oliver were here we went to the park to feed the duck. This is what came of it...

Paytie Payte turned ONE!

Payton turned one on March 20th. This first year passed by so fast!
We had an awesome time with friends and family at a picnic at our house.
It was so casual and fun!
(instead of a cake for her friends Auntie Britt made her an adorable cookie bouquet)

This was her birthday gift from me and Jordan and my parents.

We made almost 20 of these balloon flowers...
I put my father-in-law to work helping me.

Nana and Grandad

Corby and Jordan being little flowers