takin' it back retro style

Sunday, November 22, 2009

our church had a volunteer appreciation dinner and we were asked to dress up in our favorite decade. our fam represented the 50's, 60's, & 70's.
jordan really took ownership of his outfit and started a month ago to grow out his bread then created his amazing handle bars. i attempted a beehive with a roll of toilet paper under that mess.
thank you so much hcb-rr staff for putting on such an awesome show tonight. you all out did yourselves!!

the after effect

reduce, reuse, recycle :)

ladies, was it worth the late night?

Friday, November 20, 2009

look what's up in our house...

Thursday, November 19, 2009

i haven't made it to the ornament box yet

she was helping dada with bathing pearl. it was so cute listening to the 2 of them as they were in there. i love how they are both leaning on the tub just talking to pearl.

last night i watched the babies and bathed them....eli was not to happy about the pink pjs :)

Dear Santa,

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

If you would like to have a letter postmarked from the North Pole sent to a your child, write the letter, put it in a sealed envelope with a return address of "Santa, North Pole" and your home address on the "To" line. Add postage and put the sealed letter in a first-class or priority mail envelope with the proper postage and mail it to:

North Pole Christmas Cancellation
4141 Postmark Drive
Anchorage, AK 99530-9998

Requests must arrive on or before December 15.

Monday, November 16, 2009

it was NOT my husband who bought a new washing machine, because our old one was "broken" to find out the new one was "broken" too...we just needed to reset the outlet!

it was NOT one of my 3rd grade students talking about their facebook page...really?

it is NOT me googling new recipes for my 2 foot long pork loin

it is NOT me who's already going to start putting out Christmas decorations this week

it is NOT me who sent my hubby an email of something i want for Christmas

it is NOT me who gets frustrated with pregnant women when they tell britt and i that "my baby isn't going to be a "sling baby"....how do you know????? your baby isn't even born yet!!!!!

it was NOT us (as in me , jord, britt, & patty) going on a neighborhood search for our dog, pearl, come to find she was stuck in the garage b/c it was NOT us who burnt our bread for dinner and had to open all the windows and doors to air out the house and accidentally locked pearl in the garage.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sissy's Designs had a craft fair on Saturday. It was a lot of work getting ready for it, but Britt and I had fun doing it. Unfortunately, it was not very successful, but we did pass out a lot of cards. Please continue to talk about us, word of mouth is our best advertisement. :)

leaves vs. gutters

we're off to see the wizard...

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

halloween was a fun time for our family. it's so much fun making your costumes and dressing up as a theme. the babies were great and loved people watching.
no, that's not our baby :) (it's our friends lindsey and brandon) but doesn't it look like she is going to be a pro at being a big sister?

dinner with erin and mike

Monday, November 2, 2009

my coworker, erin, and her husband, mike, came over for dinner. it was a great evening. i made them cook their own food :) we have a raclette and had lots of fun enjoying it with our friends.(we learned about this machine when we lived in germany....awww deutschland) after dinner the boys played dj hero and the girls sat on the porch under a cozy blanket and had dessert, mini pumpkin cakes.

fall family fotos 2009

happy fall '09
...sometimes kids just don't cooperate

more pics to come of her real costume, for a sneak peak you can check out my sister's blog

our 7 month old butterfly