17th streets new look

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

to get ready for the party we didn't even have at our house britt and i
planted some things in the front beds. it was a total of 12 plants
and i really like how it looks. i really like how the yellow door and
pots and pink plants pop with color.
next on my list are black shutters.

above the purple texas mountain laurel smells amazing!
paytie thought everything was that sweet.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

as i said in the previous post payton's birthday was cold, but our dear friends and family still came to celebrate with us! it was so special. we truly are blessed by everyone who cares about our big 2 year old. it was originally going to be at our house in our yard, but with the weather we moved it to a covered park pavilion.

she is in love her her retro trike that juju and pops gave her.

the petting zoo was a hit to everyone, but the birthday girl! she was too cold to
enjoy it. auntie tried to get her to pet the goat, but then it started pooping! we may have to repeat this birthday party down the line :) i can save the bandanna flag garland that was
supposed to hang in our trees.

payton's cousins cold face... the animals were cold, too!

i went a little crazy on the details...but it's all in the details, right?
i copied an etsy shop and made plates. with a few hole punches and
decorative scissors you have designer plates! i also sewed a
red table runner with jean pocket fork holders. (i cut them off an old
pair of jord's jeans)

the party favors were so much fun to package thanks to audras help. (my college
roommate, pic below) she cut and prepped and i sewed
them together. we crafted away the whole time she was here. her and her husband, dustin(paytie's 1st crush) came on wednesday to hang and helped out so much!

my sweet coworkers...presenting the northwest elementary school 3rd grade team(minus vicky)
katharine, erin & emily (e & e are sisters...it must be so nice to work with your sister)

a few other coworkers came, too with little emma, leah, & landry.

due to the weather we closed the petting zoo early and headed to juju and pop's house for
cake and presents. i did feel bad that none of our guest had cake, but it was nice being with family sitting around a fire...IN MARCH!!! crazy!

birthday girl about to blow out her candle! sis helped me make the cake.

yes, i made her a sling for her baby and she LOVES it! she
asked for baby all the time. i help put her in and she pats baby and hugs her while in the sling.
the vacuum is from her great grandma in okc. little miss homemaker already

e joined in on the present opening.
she got a stick pony from nana and grandad that she calls "neigh, neigh"
and a bike helment from auntie and p...never too early for bike safety, even thought it's
a tricycle, haha
(notice the fire in the back ground)

this is her beautiful handmade book shelf form her nana and
gradad in okc. back in november i asked them if they had plans for her gift and
proceeded to request this shelf and handed them the below pic from the pottery barn kids
magazine. isn't it just amazing!? the special part is that the backing is bead board from jordan's toy chest and now it's payton's bookshelf! and it's eco friendly :)

despite the weather we did have fun! it will definitely be a party to remember!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

wow! 2 years ago....time sure does fly!

Happy 2nd Birrrrrrrthday McPayton

it was a very cold 39* for payton elizabeth's 2nd birthday!
happy birthday sweet love!

more pics to come...

baby blues

Saturday, March 13, 2010

the babies arrived!

Friday, March 12, 2010

you remember emilie and lauren, the prego sisters....well
their babies are here!
i can't wait to meet them!
meet emma jane....she belongs to lauren(sis on the right) and russ. emma was born on friday the 5th. they live in denver and she went into natural labor 3 weeks early. she called her parents (in georgetown) on thursday afternoon and told them she was in labor and they were there to meet emma when she was just a few minutes old. lauren endured a very long labor through the night which resulted in a c-section.

meet mack lewis....he belongs to emilie and gabe. he was born march 8th. they live in denton and emilie went into natural labor 2 weeks early the day lauren was coming home from the hospital!!!! so her parents (who were in denver) jumped on a plane the next morning and met their second grandchild three days after meeting their first grandchild.

can you imagine????

i just had to include this pic of emilie playing uno as she was in labor...i'm sure several of you moms out there are rolling your eyes right about now :)
when i talked to her on the phone you never would have guessed she was in labor. wow!

sick paytie

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

when i got off work i came home to a sick paytie. 102 temp. she was in my arms the whole night.
i sure did love falling asleep with her on the couch, but i felt bad for her. she didn't even play with e when he came over for dinner. he wasn't quite sure what to do with her, he tried to get her attention by squealing at her.

even when she's sick she still has a little sass in her.

agree or disagree

Monday, March 8, 2010

is anyone else annoyed with american idol like i am???

i have to admit i enjoy ellen on her talk show(i may not agree with her lifestyle, but i think she's funny) but on american idol i think she belittles the competition! she doesn't say anything constructive or worth while. it's either, "umm, i thought that was a great song choice" (but none of the other judges agree) or "you look great, i'm digging your vibe" or "i noticed some pitch problems...i'm not sure where, but just watch out for that". i know simon is usually a loner on his criticisms, but at least he has a trained ear like the other judges. ellen just enjoys music and dancing along to it. she doesn't know anything about the voice.

i mean seriously....american idol is not consumed with finding the next talented star, but the next pretty face.

our family tree

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

this is our family tree and one of my favorite things in our home. it is a wall decal in my craft room. i got it off etsy last year and forgot to post it. they sold it as a plain tree, but i decided to make it into a family tree by attaching little paper blossoms and wrote everyone's names on them.
i just love it and all my fam!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

for all the locals.....fairytale threads is almost here!!! sis and i are so excited for this consignment sale. it is a great one that happens twice a year. we volunteer and help organize the sale and the best part is we get to shop before the public! we get a natural high! we just love picking out clothes for our little ones that are a great price and up cycled.
check out the website, we made it on the home page on the scroll of pics.

come join the fun....friday 10-9 and saturday 9-4(it is also half price day)