
Thursday, April 29, 2010

sis and i had a busy weekend...we did flowers for our friends, bj & jen's, wedding
at the hummingbird house in south austin.
it was crazy, but a lot of fun.

we did a lot of prep work at home, but the bigger arrangements
were finished there

it was just a beautiful backdrop!

we were pleased with how everything came together for the reception.
our mom provided a chocolate fountain. before dinner was served i was
on, "no you may not have any chocolate" duty...people do not like to be turned away from

i made her bouquet along with the mothers corsages
bj was running back to get his mom after seating his grandmother, check
out his orange socks
right before jen walked down the aisle they were jammin' to some
funk rock for the bridesmaids to sole train down to...i just love the look of her dad!

they are a fun couple and chose to have paper airplanes thrown at them when
leaving the ceremony
here is what we did for the reception,
sis did a few trumpet vases for the serving table, bar and favor table
then, each table was alternating with a bowl vase and a tall floating rose creation
our mom helped out so much with these 2 items! thanks, mom!

sis made a beautiful arrangement on top of an old birdcage
that held cards from the guests

they are obsessed with coffee so that was their favor from dominican jo

they had a pizza buffet


Sunday, April 25, 2010

since around feburary this is what she's been doing.
well...she finally did it! i was at a wedding and jord was at home with her.
he put paytie down for a nap and the next thing he knew....paytie was standing next to him!

sunday afternoon we switched her bed over and this is her
before nap pose, she was so excited to be in her big girl bed....
after her nap was a different story :)

i'm an easy going mom, but the topic of switching her
over made me nervous. i just imagined her getting out of her bed 100 times and playing all hours of the night. i was completely wrong! the first nap she only got out 2 times! from then on out she has been sleeping really well. she's done awesome!

oh....at 1am the other night i did blast out of bed after hearing a thud!
it was her...poor baby fell out of her bed. she cried really loud, but she wasn't really awake. i put her right back in bed.

hmmm, i wonder what would happen if that thud was an intruder??? huh, jordan?

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

don't you just love it when you spend hundreds of dollars on a flight to find out you booked the
wrong time!!!!!! ughh! thank you jetblue for the insurance that i bought that requires deaths or ER accidents in order for them to change my flight!

we are celebrating our 5th anniversary in nyc for 2 days and boston for 3 in june. well...now 1 1/2 days in nyc...i meant to choose the flight leaving 6:30AM from austin to nyc and i clicked the 6:30PM. now we are not arriving till 11:30pm.

a few tears shed and i am over it

the crafting bug bit me

Monday, April 19, 2010

i've been sewing a lot lately...
i made some things for lisa's little one who will be here in june. it is a monogrammed lovie and a wipie case. and then a onsie for our german friends who just had their 3rd boy. they named him cedrik. every man needs a tie.

she was dressing up with the ribbon i attached to her tutu(it's in the background)

a few weeks ago we went to the park with the whole fam. it was a
beautiful day. the kiddos had fun, of course and we even got a great family photo...they usually never turn when you ask a stranger to
take a pic of you.

we did it!!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

we ran our 1st 10k!
most of you know i am not a runner, but we did it! we ran the whole 6.2 miles!
before the race(as in last week) the most i had ran was 3 miles, lol, and i had only done that twice! with that in mind, my goal was 1 hr 15min and we did it in 1hr 14min!!!
it's not too impressive that i did it in 1hr 14, but that i ran for an hour and 14 minutes straight!!!! and i beat my goal!
it was such a fun thing to do with jord. he was so encouraging for me. he stuck by my side the whole way...well maybe he was a few feet in front of me at times, but i caught up :)

the pics below are small, but i'm too cheap to buy them, so here are the proofs. we held hands when we crossed the finish line, it was awesome!

thoughts running through my head as i was running....
1. this is cool, our first 10k...uh, oh i already have to go to the bathroom
2. are you joking me? you want me to run up that hill???
3. this is great people watching
4. seriously...you are not sitting outside your cute house sipping on mimosas watching us sweat?
5. ummm...did that mom with a jogging stroller just zoom past me up a steep hill?
6. yippee, the crowd just told me it was the last hill.....you lied!!!! there was one more!
7. it's amazing how a little 4 year old on the curb can give you encouragement, "go, go, go"
8. i'm actually smiling?
9. awesome! the band under the bridge was such a cool sound!
1o. we did it! we actually did it and we didn't stop!

our sweet fam would've been there, but they were at home taking care of sick paytie which now she lovingly gave us, blah.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

He Is Risen!

Oh praise the one who paid my debt
and raised this life up from the dead!


happy easter!

we started the weekend with a neighborhood easter egg
hunt. by the time it was ready to hunt paytie really just
wanted the donuts!

can you believe how adorable my nephew is?!!!!

her cute easter "basket" was created by my friend darin
she is so creative! this is what she gave payton's birthday present in
(which was an adorable, handmade crocheted hat)

just a few of the kiddos

easter with the fam....

egg hunt # 2

all the cousins...don't you just wonder what their talking about

this pic was taken by my cousin, kc, daughter who is 6.
patty told her to "count 1, 2, 3, and then snap"
so... she said "1,2,3 and "snapped" her finger, then, took the picture...
it was so literal and so cute!

she discovered the cotton candy in one of the eggs mid hunting

above is kc working her magic and below was her magic from
last year....my has payton grown

girls night...no boys allowed!

Friday, April 2, 2010

it was just us 2 tonight!
jord went to the condo with patrick to hang a tv and
paytie and i had a fun evening. (can you believe britt and e didn't come over...she
was pooped) we started off the night be making breakfast for dinner.
we made banana pancakes and bacon

...before i had the food on the plates
i realized someone had been sneaking the bacon :)

she ate all of hers and then some of mine once she realized i
had syrup and she didn't

we finished the meal off with some cold oj...in a big girl cup
(i took that picture very fast)

then i painted her toes for easter!

we went on a walk then bath time and off to bed in her boy pj's....
if you're wondering why boy? it is cheaper to put her in boy
boxers and under shirts, lol! for some reason pj's are so expensive and hardly
ever go on sale.

it was a great night just us girls!
now after crafting and card making i am off to watch a movie.