we ran our 1st 10k!
most of you know i am not a runner, but we did it! we ran the whole 6.2 miles!
before the race(as in last week) the most i had ran was 3 miles, lol, and i had only done that twice! with that in mind, my goal was 1 hr 15min and we did it in 1hr 14min!!!
it's not too impressive that i did it in 1hr 14, but that i ran for an hour and 14 minutes straight!!!! and i beat my goal!
it was such a fun thing to do with jord. he was so encouraging for me. he stuck by my side the whole way...well maybe he was a few feet in front of me at times, but i caught up :)
the pics below are small, but i'm too cheap to buy them, so here are the proofs. we held hands when we crossed the finish line, it was awesome!

thoughts running through my head as i was running....
1. this is cool, our first 10k...uh, oh i already have to go to the bathroom
2. are you joking me? you want me to run up that hill???
3. this is great people watching
4. seriously...you are not sitting outside your cute house sipping on mimosas watching us sweat?
5. ummm...did that mom with a jogging stroller just zoom past me up a steep hill?
6. yippee, the crowd just told me it was the last hill.....you lied!!!! there was one more!
7. it's amazing how a little 4 year old on the curb can give you encouragement, "go, go, go"
8. i'm actually smiling?
9. awesome! the band under the bridge was such a cool sound!
1o. we did it! we actually did it and we didn't stop!
our sweet fam would've been there, but they were at home taking care of sick paytie which now she lovingly gave us, blah.