Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Zum Geburtstag, Jordan!
*May 26, 1982*

we both love you so much! you are such a caring, loving, and
strong husband and daddy!
whoa, you're getting old!

ash & paypay

no more thuds

paytie fell out of her bed a few times so i figured we should
do something about that. i looked around online and didn't find want i wanted
so i decided to make a bed "rail" to keep her nice and snug in bed.
it's like a long pillow and i sewed and stuffed it then added
elastic to go under the mattress. the corners were deceiving.

it has been working like a champ and she loves it

24 blues

Monday, May 24, 2010

*****censored 24 material****

let me be dramatic for a bit (i know this never happens)

tonight is the last episode of 24! i will miss this series so much, even though

we have lost a lot of sleep having 24 marathons (on dvd) i will

miss the thrill of jack running after the russian mob or going against the

president even though he knows he is right or being so committed to his undercover

opperation he becomes addictied to drugs or trying to save

that special female that is in his life at the time (they all end up dying, ooops did i spoil

that for anyone?) or watching him throw on his messenger bag with such grace while he shoots someone down at the same time or hearing those 3 beeps at the end of each hour or

the reaction jord an i have after an amazing fight scene or when jack

disarms a nuclear bomb with a second to spare or chloe smarting

off to edgar (aww) and gives that comical break

and last...the anticipation of the next episode...

i guess we will have to wait for the 24 movie!!!!!
if you call me tonight i will not answer from 7-9
if you read all of this that means you are a true 24 fan or just
laughing at how pathetic i sound, lol :)
...i bet if you're not a 24 fan you're a weird lost fan and those days are coming to an end, too

celebrating criss

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

northwest elementary has the most amazing principal ever!
criss wakefield, unfortunately, is retiring after years of her hard work
and dedication to pflugerville isd. i was part of a team that organized this
beautiful dessert reception.
i had a lot of fun planning it.
take a look...

chocolate dreams made an appearance

i had fun making this neat centerpiece above (i copied it from an event center)

i put together this "tree" that everyone hung a special note
to criss. we wrapped the notes up in a box for her to keep.

anjie, her sweet mother, and i made all the arrangements.

baking with my hubby

we...i...made cupcakes for one of jord's coworkers
i had fun trying a new decorating technique on

leah's bday

i think we may have found paytie's new hobby (can a 2 yr old have a hobby?)
we went to miss leah's 2nd bday at little gym. (my coworkers daughter)
paytie had so much fun! hanging on the bars were her favorite.

when it was the group time she decided to observe :)
she had fun jumping with daddy

i have really great memories as a kid in pe class with the parachute

birthday girl!

felt is our new crafting friend

if you haven't heard my sissy is having a little GIRL!!!!
iris is her name.

britt, are you sure it's a girl????

hollywood was in granger, tx

the 1969 film true grit staring john wayne is being remade by the coen brothers.
hollywood moved into granger texas, of all places, to film and we got a sneak peak.
(i wasn't supposed to take pics, but i got a few, shhhhh)
the 2010 version is staring matt damon, jeff bridges and josh brolin
it was soooo awesome! if you don't know, granger is a VERY small country town with one stop light, actually i think it is only a yellow light.
my grandmother used to live there and now her house is a rental property for our parents.

they through down dirt on the roads and completely remade the buildings to look like the western days. it is supposed to be in the middle of winter so all the cast/extras were in dark, heavy coats.

we didn't see anyone famous from the spot we were at, but they were there on the other side of this bank!

i can't wait to see this steam engine in the movie! below, the tree
on the left used to have green leaves like the one on the right, but since it is supposed to be winter they plucked all the leaves off...isn't hollywood grand?

you can see the original granger lumber yard building behind the hotel building.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

happy mother's day!

...i promise i haven't forgotten about my blog....i am having trouble uploading pics.

Monday, May 3, 2010

for the past couple of weeks a routine for us has been watching the "big tuk" pass
by our house for road work near by. there are some really interesting trucks out there.

once they drove by it was back to baking on our porch