*****censored 24 material****
let me be dramatic for a bit (i know this never happens)
tonight is the last episode of 24! i will miss this series so much, even though
we have lost a lot of sleep having 24 marathons (on dvd) i will
miss the thrill of jack running after the russian mob or going against the
president even though he knows he is right or being so committed to his undercover
opperation he becomes addictied to drugs or trying to save
that special female that is in his life at the time (they all end up dying, ooops did i spoil
that for anyone?) or watching him throw on his messenger bag with such grace while he shoots someone down at the same time or hearing those 3 beeps at the end of each hour or
the reaction jord an i have after an amazing fight scene or when jack
disarms a nuclear bomb with a second to spare or chloe smarting
off to edgar (aww) and gives that comical break
and last...the anticipation of the next episode...
i guess we will have to wait for the 24 movie!!!!!
if you call me tonight i will not answer from 7-9
if you read all of this that means you are a true 24 fan or just
laughing at how pathetic i sound, lol :)
...i bet if you're not a 24 fan you're a weird lost fan and those days are coming to an end, too