wow! what a morning!
britt called me about 5:00 this morning and said contractions are 3-5 minutes a part.
she said come over in about an hour.
i was so pumped and got my things together! jord went to work to get some things
so he could stay home with paytie and then britt was calling me about 5:45 asking where i was!
by 6:00 contractions were on top of each other so they headed to the hospital and i was right behind them. she was up in her room by 6:10 and had her at 7:16!!!! it was sooo fast! they checked her and she was at an eight and ready to push.
britt had about 8 pushes to give and with out any intervention baby iris was here!
the dr. almost didn't make it, he arrived at 6:50.
iris is 7lbs 1 oz and 19 in long.

eli is very proud of his sissy!
they kiddos were literally fighting over her!
we had to let them hold her one at a time.
eli has an i heart iris shirt on :)