hecker family photo shoot

Monday, October 25, 2010

we tried to dodge the rain on saturday for the hecker's family photos.
we went downtown gtown and i had lots of fun snapping pics of this sweet fam!
2.5 year old Eloise and 6 month old duke were fun to capture.

we have a 3 bed/1 bath house

Thursday, October 21, 2010

we ended up building our armoire into our house with the new wall!
this was our office armoire and now it goes to a lucky lady on craigslist.
the moving guy came to pick it up and we couldn't get it out of our house!!!
we had to saw off a railing from our back porch and take it through the backyard. lol!

the wall in stages

everyone pitched in! jord was the most energetic.

look at our new pretty wall!!!!! the top pic will be payton's room(old office/den)
then bottom pic is the kitchen. we were really fortunate to find this wainscoting for the new room. and there are a few new boards in the kitchen that we stained to match. can you tell which ones???? nope, it's not the dark ones, those are original.

we have some exciting plan for our kitchen. i am so excited!
we are going for a robins egg blueish color on the walls. butcher block counters.
new knobs on the cabinets. a new light fixture above the sink and a white fan in the ceiling(circulation is a bit different since the wall went up)
white subway tile with black grout and black and white checkered tile on the flooring.
what do you think?!


nana's birthday

Monday, October 18, 2010

we celebrated nana's birthday while they were down.
we went to the walburg beirgarten, we love that place.
(check out paytie's adorable dress nana made her)

paytie danced and danced! she would eat a bite of bratwurst then
run to the dance floor!

she fits right in those arms.

i just had to take a pic of these two little old ladies dancing their hearts out!

construction at the wonderlys

Saturday, October 16, 2010

grandad wonderly is building us a third bedroom for baby #2!
we have a room off of the kitchen that was screaming to be transformed into a room.
Ooo, that screw gun is LOUD!
...more transformation to come...

bump on a log

Friday, October 15, 2010

i'm still here....sorry for the lack of blogging.
this baby bump is rocking my evenings and i am
done at 8:30!
(no, sis, i am not pushing out, that's the real deal!)


payties new joy is gymnastics!
we went to a local gymnastics studio where they have "open gym" for an
hour and she loved it! she didn't stop for 1 straight hour.

i love my pearl

paypay loves her pearl!

fun day at the lake

we had a great sunday picnic and a hike around lake georgetown near the dam.
it was beautiful!

the water was really, really high. where eli is standing in the water it is about 12 feet higher than normal. the railing is a fence to protect you from a 12 foot drop off and the water was overflowing. crazy!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

my heart is full of sadness for the bond & evan's family

i went to college, and sang with leslie for 4 years.
although we were not extremely close
she was a delight to be around and her smile was contagious.

at the end of september she went into early labor, at 19 weeks, with her twins and
lost both babies. then shortly she went into cardiac arrest.

non responsive, she held on until today and is now with the Lord.

please pray for leslie's family and husband(who just a few years ago lost his first wife to cancer and left 3 kids)


beautiful girl & pretty weather...love it!