Wednesday, August 31, 2011

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dining room

out with the old, in with the new & old :)
we sold our tall black table on craigslist and bought another table on craigslist.
(my hubby worked his magic and talked them into only buying the table and not the ugly chairs that came with it)
then we bought these clear chairs at ikea.
i really like the shape of the table. oval fits great in this room. i will paint the table a light gray.

we are going to build an L bench seat in the corner with storage and those
lines on the wall are where we will knock out to view the kitchen and
give us a bar on the kitchen side that will have bar stools. project at a time...many more to come


4 month shots

sister love
riding scooter....usually in the morning bc of this darn heat

more sister love

candyland with daddy

gotta love austin

Thursday, August 25, 2011

on sunday morning we went to support our neighbors at their church's 1st sunday. they are the campus pastors at celebrations new south austin location. they meet at the met theater. thats a pic of their littlest one, they are buddies. we will miss them so much when they move.

we made it an austin day when we left service and went to soco. enjoyed some shopping around at the interesting stores and then had some yummy wahoos fish tacos. we wanted to eat at the trailer section (variety of different restaurants trailers), but it was just too darn hot.
i snapped the beautiful view of downtown while we were headed up congress. such a famous shot.

i am four months old

Monday, August 22, 2011

  • i giggle a lot
  • i grab at toys...and #4
  • i sleep in my crib and decide to wake up in the middle of the night to eat
  • i'm getting louder and louder everyday
  • i suck on my thumb and gag myself
  • i rotate all over my crib
  • i'm so happy
  • i sit in my bumbo
  • i sleep on my side

  • i am 24.5 " & 13lbs 4oz

sorry mommy was 2 days late on this post

happy cousins

they were playing dress up then broke out in a dance!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

it's kinda a big deal when daddy comes home from work! makes my heart happy

comparing the girls at 3.5 months. happy happy!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

she played so hard she fell asleep

for sale

Friday, August 12, 2011

**we are selling some things in the wondy house**
check out our craigslist adds if you're interested.

3ft tall table with chairs
can't you picture a shorter table with an L bench seat and 2 fun chairs

queen size bedding set
making over our room-sis got us new bedding me for my bday

cat/dog door
we thought our yorkie would use this then never set it up-what a waste of money

epson printer
wasn't working with our mac and needed a smaller one

DIY dress/tunic

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

first of all, don't you just love her morning bed head?!
i just found this tutorial diy tshirt dress...well tunic for on paytie.
it was super easy. i made it in about 20 minutes -starting at 11:00 last night :). threading the
elastic took the most time.

she'll wear it with leggings. the tutorial had it with a belt too, but i
didn't have enough tshirt.
i just might have to go search through jords closet for some more T's


Monday, August 8, 2011

she already has so much personality! i had to snap a pic of her in this outfit.
it was mine when i was little. i love that "hello" is embroidered on it.
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lately we've been up to

Friday, August 5, 2011

modeling some of her "new" clothes from a consignment sale.
check out the flare on those jeans :)
i was able to get her whole fall wardrobe + her soccer shoes and shin guards....
yes she is playing soccer starting in september!
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sprinkler time

tummy time
and sleeping in her crib through the night

play gym time with big sis

playdate with chord
(he's 4 wks older)