rolling over

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

i roll over now but mommy is too slow to get my skillz on camera!


Monday, September 26, 2011

family photos

Sunday, September 25, 2011

it's that time of the year! family photos!

i would love to capture your family!
you will get an hour of shoot time which includes a cd of images that you can print anywhere. 25 of the 75 -100 images will be edited. all for 50 bucks!
call me to book a session 983-7999 or email

ahh she's getting so tall

Saturday, September 24, 2011

go pokes!

jordan is an oklahoma sate fan. his family bleeds orange!
this onsie has been passed around to many kiddos in the fam.
jordans shirt was his grandad's back when the color was more burnt orange. it's real special to him.

1st game day!

payton was ready to go this morning with her uniform and shin guards on and purse in hand!

she did a great job! she was all about soccer then she fell and the rest of the
game she played holding the coaches hand. (don't judge me for taking a picture
while my girl was down)

eli showed up when payton was on the sidelines and she ran to give him a hug, precious!


halloween is here, well according to our decorations.
found these ideas last year on a few blogs and wanted to try it out. i'm not sure evie was impressed. the bats are off of made. this chick is from gtown! and i can't remember where i saw the ghosts, but they are those ugly paper wedding bell lanterns with cheese cloth over them and blk paper for eyes and mouth.

i am 5 months old

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

  • i giggle all the time
  • i roll over from back to tummy
  • i will take a bottle if i need to
  • i love bath time
  • i prefer naps in my swing
  • i have chunky thighs
  • i sleep on my side at night

3.5 years & 5 months old

our girls are growing!
payton is 3.5 today and evie is 5 months today!

(i love how paytie positioned her hand on evie's head, she did all on her own)

ruffles n lace

Thursday, September 15, 2011

i never posted evie's sip n see from may....
britt, mom, amanda and michelle(high school friends)
put on a precious shower in honor of evelyn.
it had way too many sweets that i didn't even get to enjoy bc i had
a stomach bug! i prayed the whole night i wouldn't throw up on anyone.
(i faked it though, most didn't even know i was sick) lol

britt made sweet bobby pins as party favors

gooooo chivas!!!

our little girl is a chiva! (means little goat in spanish, lol
i thought about dressing evie up as the mascot! ha)
it was so fun cheering for her at her first practice!

it was also funny watching her straighten the cones and turn the wrong way in line :)

then we enjoyed a picnic at the park afterwards

preschool art

bon iver

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

we had a great night watching bon iver (at the beautiful long center).
for you non hipsters you pronounce it with an /E/ and not and /I/
no, i am not a hipster, just know how to say it bc jord always researches
musical things to make sure he says them correctly. he does it with lyrics too :)
you should check him out on itunes. it is amazing all the sounds they create.
there are 9 members of the band ranging from a huge bass sax to a trumpet, violin, 2 drum sets.....
it was really awesome!
thanks, hun for a great date!
(and thanks to britt and p for watching the girls)

the opening musician was kathleen edwards. she had a rad voice, check her too.

happy birthday iris!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

iris turned one last week and we celebrated at our house since the blantons are busy

making their house a home.
with a lot of help from lisa(she gave us ideas and goodies for the party that she used at her daughters 1st bday), britt made a bright and sunny "you are my sunshine" party for iris. it was a lot of fun!

Mmm, cake and marshmallows

rice krispie cake!

we made playdough as party favors. (that sweet flower was needle pointed by my nanny).

evie was tired(the party was in the evening) and payton was too busy to even get a pic of.

happy birthday sweet iris, we love you and all the joy you bring our whole family!

first day of preschool!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

today has been a much anticipated day!
she was so excited to go to school.
she had a good breakfast, got dressed, and loaded up on the stroller with sis.
we all held it together, no tears.
she will be going tues/thurs

ms. kelly is her teacher.

evie was excited to see her.
she gave me a thumbs up on how her day was.
the school is by a water tower and she tells me every time we see one she thinks her school is near