happy halloween!

Monday, October 31, 2011

yep, that's right, all 10 of us dressed up like clowns! if clowns freak you out you might want to skip this post, but we are happy clowns!
(the best part...we borrowed everything!thank you dionne, barie, and lindsey)


Sunday, October 30, 2011

we've had lots of parties & costume changes, soccer & photoshoots

fyi-she's a piece of bacon...she loves bacon(thanks faith for letting us borrow it)

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Christmas Mini Sessions

Saturday, November 5th 8 to 11am
San Gabriel Park-Georgetown

$35 one time fee includes
30 min photo session for up to 6 people
disc with 15-25 edited images

to reserve your spot email

*all discs will be delivered by December 1st*
view www.wonderlyphotography.blogspot.com

pumpkins & candy corn 2011

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

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sitting up

Monday, October 24, 2011

yep, that's right, i'm sitting up and proud of it!

cheap crafting

i made a little craft for a bday present this weekend. saw this floating around on pinterest.
  • you cut up toilet paper rolls
  • glue them together to create a flower
  • glue them on a canvas(mine was one i had)....actually i had most of this stuff
  • spray paint the whole thing
and there you have cheap wall art! i only had to by a 97 cent can pf spray paint.

1,2,3,4,5,6....say what?

Thursday, October 20, 2011

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just because

i am 6 months old

  • my mom is freaking out that i am 6 months old!
  • i am a happy baby
  • i can roll a few times in a row
  • i love chewing on toys
  • i still wake up 1-2 times a night
  • i really like cereal
  • i can sit up for 2.5 sec
  • i like my toes

rice cereal...finally

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

it's a little embarrassing that i've waited so long to give her cereal.
the different stages on her are much harder to watch come and go.
her 6month dr. appt is tomorrow and it was time.
she looooved it(opposite of big sis)

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swing batta-batta

the boys are in a church softball league and last night was the first game!

serious sandlot team pic

my hubby the pitcher.....that score must have been a typo

awe, dave, their only guy on base :)
it's all about having fun, right?

behind the lens

check out my new blog & flickr stream
at the top right.

i have booked 14 families for fall photos! i'm having a lot of fun! thanks for your support on my new journey.

evie bouncing at church

Sunday, October 16, 2011

band pics

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

last night i was taking some photos of the fergs and a guy drove up asking if i was a photographer...i naturally said Yes! :) lol -he said his band planned to take photos tonight for a flier and his photographer cancelled....you get where this is leading... an hour later i was taking their pics! check out his site he's a local worship leader and produces music and said he'll pass my name put. i might need to get business cards printed :)

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Monday, October 10, 2011

she's getting the hang of this game :)

more love

my little model

paytie helped me as my model on a new photo location