family photos sneak peek

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

oh, how i love my family!!

while we were in okc for thanksgiving our dear sweet friend, sarah, took our family photos. (go to her blog to see the others) aren't they amazing?! she said once, getting your family photos is better than christmas. and i totally agree! i can't wait to see the rest of them she put on a disc.
thank you so much sarah for capturing these memories and thank you so much for mentoring me in my new journey of everyone can see i have a lot to learn.

thanksgiving in oklahoma

this year we were able to spend a whole week in okc with jords fam. for thanksgiving day we traveled a bit north to enid to be with extended family. it was a great time! we were entertained by food, family, scooters, hay, cats :) and more food. i am so thankful for my texas and oklahoma family!

we finished the week with christmas. nana made the girls pj's and stockings! they were beautiful!!! the girls slept so much on our journey home.

like father....

Thursday, November 17, 2011 daughter. they both love their tunes. she asks jord several times a day, "daddy what's this song" it makes for a very long road trip to okc. but it is simply precious to hear her sing praise and worship songs.

i got a new (to me) camera!

Monday, November 14, 2011

every person who likes taking photos has to have a picture of themselves taking a photo, right?

104, ahhh

Saturday, November 12, 2011

miss evie was a sick girl this week. she had a temp from 101-104 for 2 days. i was kinda freaking out. we went to the doc twice and they are still running some test on her stool and urine(that cup was empty when she was holding it :) we were so close to going to the hospital for fluids. payton was such a big helper. she gave her pedialyte and read her stories. it is just precious watching their bond grow. she is much better now, praise the Lord!

ice cream and pics

Monday, November 7, 2011

i got a new camera(gotta love craigslist) and i took payton for some ice cream and snapped a few pics.
i have a lot to learn. sweet girl time.

6month pics

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

evelyn is a joy! she has a very sweet nature about herself. she gave me some great smiles for her 6month pics. nana originally made the bonnet for paytie, i smile every time i get to pass something down to evie.

i love you evie!

**behind the scenes at my glamorous set**