7, 8, 9...seriously?

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

9 months already?!
  • you are still a very happy baby
  • 6 teeth--2 bottom & 4 top
  • adore your sister
  • 18 lbs
  • get excited when you see a bottle
  • love pretzels
  • not a good night sleeper...wakes up 3-4 times(i'm tired)
  • squeals when daddy comes in the room
  • still using cloth diapers
  • showing a little attitude when you want something
  • already 2 ear infections, stomach bug, couple virus'
  • claps all the time, working on waiving

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washer nightmare

don't ever wash one of those neck pillows filled with tiny foam beads....or this is what you get. it's been almost a month and we are still finding little beads on our clothes and around our house. it is so annoying!!!


Friday, January 20, 2012

they are a sweet sight to watch.
but evie didn't like it when paytie decided she was finished playing ball.

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okc visitors

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

we always love our visits with the thompsons!
thanks for coming.

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new years eve...prom 626

new years eve was awesome! we had a neighborhood "626"party which we call bc of our zip code. it was prom any decade theme. we were styled from the 90's along with our friends sarah and corby from okc. britt and p were the 60's. some friends faith and brady were the 70's(she made this awesome photo set) and will and mimi(the hosts) were current day jersey shore! it's hard to tell from all the pics but there were some amazing hair dos. sarah created an elegant french twist topped with babies breath in my hair and britt got an awesome adele do. and yes jord is wearing a mullet wig, bolo and cummerbund!

Christmas 2011

we enjoyed christmas morning at my parents home along with britt and her fam. we made great memories and learned what to do for next year :) the kids were going wild and opening presents while we were not looking!

christmas eve started with decorating cookies for santa and a birthday cake for Jesus. (they didn't want to eat the cake until Jesus came to his party)

this year was really special since paytie is starting to understand more. we talked about the real reason for chirstmas. that it's not about the presents but about the birth of Jesus.

bedroom makeover

before and afters of our new bedroom makeover.
we are really pleased with it! christmas cam at a good time for the rug and lamp shades and the best part is our picture wall. we did some fun candid shots and love it! thanks to my mom who got us the picture ledge and my mil who got us the frames we have a lot of memories in our room. i still need to paint the dresser which is not pictured. to be cont....

sage green was the before