All Smiles Now!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Paytie is feeling much better! We went to the Dr. this morning and her lungs are almost clear. She still has a nasty cough so we will continue the breathing treatments for 2 more days. Other kiddos can't be around her, which means daycare is out of the question till the end of the week. Thankfully between family and friends she will be taken care of so I can get back to work.

This is her new excited face! It makes us laugh erverytime:)

She is always standing up in her crib when we go in to get her. She lights up our day when she smiles back at us.


Saturday, January 24, 2009

Our sweet Payton has RSV. It's a respiratory virus that is really contagious. Her poor little cough sounds like she's been smoking since she was a newborn. ;) I took her to the Dr. on Friday and they tested her positive for RSV and for an ear infection. Her oxygen levels were also low. She is on an antibiotic and a breathing treatment. It is so sad to hold our 10 month old down to put a little mask on her. We go back to the Dr. on Monday to get check out again. She is a strong little girl. At times she just smiles at us and it makes us tear right up. Other times she just wants to be in our arms.  It's tough being a parent sometimes. We'll keep you updated. 

10 months old

Daddy worked really hard at putting our complex high chair together:) Paytie appreciated it so much that she decided to take a snooz in it. My college girlfriends bought this for Payton and we are just now using it. Paytie has not been really interested in food up until now. She is 10 months old and ready to eat solids...well maybe not tonight :)

We were at Auntie's house and she was just looking out the cute!

This is Tyler! Isn't he adorable? He is the son of Mandy and Scott. Mandy is a good friend from Georgetown. Tyler is 4 months old. Payton was really flirting. Oliver watch out :)

The latest news

Saturday, January 17, 2009

We were able to spend a great dinner with our college friend, Casey. It's allways fun telling stories from our past :) Thanks for the laughs Casey!

Paytie just loves our neighbors swing!

Our first battle wound happened a few weeks ago! She took it right between the eyes.  All is well. Just a note don't let your child play near a space heater...don't worry it wasn't on. She's one the go and moves so fast. :)

Every mother has to show off naked baby pics :)

Sissy and I are really getting into gear with our business. If there are any investors interested in our line, let us know :)  


Monday, January 12, 2009

Little Elijah!
Isn't he just precious. He is doing really well. It's hard to believe he should only be a week old by now, but he is really 5 weeks old. He eats really well, sleeps up to 4 hours at a time and is starting to look around. He is a sweet baby and Paytie is very interested in him.