Look what I can do

Friday, February 20, 2009

She discovered the doggie door at Aunties house.

Look out American Idol!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Future Idol winner!  :)

She is all about the backwards wave.

Happy Valentine's Day

Sunday, February 15, 2009

My valentine took me to breakfast and an early movie. we went to monument cafe, a 50's inspired cafe, and we sat at the bar and had fresh squeezed orange juice and yummy pancakes. it was wonderful! we think we have decided on a new tradition for our valentine's day. i am so blessed to have such a strong husband and father to our payton. 
jordan, ich liebe dich!

our little valentine was all hearts and smiles yesterday! she was sitting in her crib surrounded 
by all the chocolates my students gave me. she even had a valentine of her own... a stuffed puppy dog

payton was reading a valentine that she got in the mail from her 
nana and grandad in oklahoma. it was very tasty!

Cuz time

Cousin Elijah has grown...The first picture is when he was just a week old. He was 5.15 lbs
now he is 10 weeks and 13lbs!!! I would say hes grown.  :)
He is now smiling and looking around at his favorite Aunt Ashy 

jordan and i watched elijah and decided to give them a bath together.
paytie discovered a new body part that she doesn't have :) it was so funny, she even took a pinch at "it"! lets just say we told her "no, no paytie" and then busted out laughing. she smiled too!

Pushing her car

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Payton pulled up on her walker and actually walked! WOW! She is such a big girl!!! It is so amazing to see how fast she learns things. We have to keep an eye on this one.
(be patient and let the video load)

Happy 90th Nanny!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

My sweet Nanny turned 90 year-old on February 5th! WOW!!!
My grandparents have been married for over 65 years. 
They are the wonderful foundation to our family. 

Lemon anyone?

My little cousins showing off their stuff!

They were having fun with Payton.

All about PAYTON

Mozart watch out!

She is all smiles. She is such a happy baby.

Somebody figured out how to open doors...uh oh.

slick shoes  :)


Ohhh, who is that?