we cheated!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

it's a GIRL!!!!!!!
before you go, "oh, i knew she couldn't wait till christmas!"
hear me out... today is my papa's 91st birthday and the whole
rogers side of the family were alllllll at my parents house.
we were all together and enjoying a great family night and we thought
it was a perfect time and to share it on a special day.
so...there you have it! jordan is in a house full of girls!

our dr. signed the pink side with, "merry christmas, john"
we really like our dr. now lets just see if he is right. he told us he is a little paranoid
(since his brother got it wrong last pregnancy) he is double checking at 36 weeks, lol!

santa 2010

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

well, we all thought it was going to go a different way this year....
she was really pumped until she saw santa.

i apologized to santa and stuck her in his lap.

here is sweet, aspen. she was all smiles for santa. this is our 3rd year to take pics with this santa and i hope more to come. thanks amanda for the invite

isn't she beautiful!

santa #2
this was at the georgetown library.
at least she wasn't crying :) and she was very interested

i have really enjoyed getting everyones christmas cards.
these are our friends in germany, the zimmermanns. they have 3 adorable boys.
carlos, alfonso, & cedrik.
just had to share.

boy or girl????

Monday, December 20, 2010

well.....i would like to know too!
at our appointment today the dr. will write a smiley face on the pink or blue shape
and seal it in the envelope. (i wonder if it will be right this time)
we will open it up on christmas morning to find out.
it will be sooooo hard to not take a peak at the appointment, but this will be more fun!
texts and a blog post will go out on christmas!
stay tuned :)

Saturday, December 18, 2010

yeah! a new blog header thanks to my talented cousin, kendall!
thanks, cuz and thanks to britt for taking the pics!

thanksgiving 2010 in okc

Friday, December 17, 2010

i realized i never posted pics from thanksgiving, better late than never!
this was our attempt for a family pic(i know how you feel sarah)

paytie helped a lot before dinner. she was beating the eggs for the dressing the old fashion way.

she ate way too many olives before dinner and daddy had to talk to her about it.
after dinner she sat on nana's lap and ate spoonfulls of whipcream!

my first pecan pie, i take an empty pie plate was a success.

early christmas with great grandmother nannie.
she got a whole treasure chest of princess gowns and jewelry.

first cookie exchange

i went to my first cookie exchange at dionne's home.
it was a fun girl evening filled with laughs and yummy goodies, that i brought home.
check out those adorable strawberries. they are a coconut type cookie then rolled in strawberry gelatin. thanks, dionne

surprise visitors

lisa and layla surprised us on their way from okc to san antonio last week.
paytie was so happy to play with layla.
thanks for the visit, lisa!

picky or not?

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

we went to our neighbors to deliver their christmas card
and ask for a tomato for our quiche and this is what it looked like by the time we got home.
i don't like to admit this, but paytie is a picky eater at this stage, but for some reason she will eat a tomato like an apple?

Family pics 2010

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

can't wait for you to see the rest of them. christmas cards going out soon!
thanks sissy!

Friday, December 3, 2010

gotta love plumbing problems during the christmas season!
well...at least it wasn't in the thousands like mr. plumber said would be the next step.

oh, 60 year old cast iron pipes. is this a reason people buy large new homes for the price of smaller old homes?

christmas is up

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

decorations have actually been up for about 3 weeks. i was pretty excited to
get things out!

we moved our picture wall into the living room

payton loves our german christmas pyramid. this is special to us,
we bought it when we lived there in 2005.

this is our new advent calendar. our friends from church gave us these little
mittens from his days at starbucks(they were gift card holders). i asked for a few and i got 3,000!
i'll be stuffing them each night with either a bible verse, stickers or a little treat for our little miss.

i am waiting to receive our first christmas card of the season.....who's it going to be?

true style!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

my great friend, erin, sent me this hilarious picture of herself on black friday......
she has super style or is it macgruber that has the super style?
(her husband, mike, said she had to retire that outfit)
thanks for the laugh, erin!

murray fam pics

Monday, November 22, 2010

these are our cool cali friends, the murrays. we have formed such a great friendship over the past 3 years through church and our small group.
they have 3 kiddos that were a hoot to photograph.

we even had a little friend pass by during a position change :)

laura, hope i'm not spoiling any of your christmas card photos.
i was hesitate to put the last one up, thinking your cali fam would enjoy a donkey in the background.

homecoming at snu

Sunday, November 21, 2010

we headed up to okc for our homecoming and an arts festival at southern nazarene university.
jord helped me out soooo much with setting up my both and audra kept me
company the whole day(she even stood in line for lunch for an HOUR)!
the day was a success for sissy's designs ! (more things will be added soon)

my MIL made some adorable peasant style shirts

i had lots of visitors-
audra, payton, jordan, heather, roxanne, brooke, lisa, and baby layla

at little basketball cheer

we even got to be a part of dustin and audra's "reveal party" for the sex of their baby......
it's a GIRL!
we all bit into the cupcake at the same time and found out from the pink icing.

oh, how i like trees...

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

oh, how i do not like leaves!
saturday was, "rake the leaves day". good thing we had two helpers to spread out our neat piles.
we had eli for the weekend and we put him to work.
well, actually they played in the leaves while we worked.
eli and payton are too funny together. payton is like his 2nd mom and he doesn't always
appreciate her motherly love.

she told him he had to have a helmet on to ride her trike.

seriously, sis, please take care of his duck tale.

oklahoma arts festival

sissy's designs is headed to oklahoma for an arts festival!
(minus the other sissy)
here are a few of the things i will be selling.

these are felt coloring bags that i've embellished and they will be filled with
a handmade coloring book and up-cycled crayons.

here are rings for all types

and here are my favorite...
sissy's silly dolls!
i am also selling felt and feather hair clips and headbands, earrings, jr. slings,
christmas onsies, enclosure cards and more!
i'll take pics of my booth and hopefully come back with very little inventory.