emma jane is almost here

Monday, January 11, 2010

the johnson girls are like another set of sisters to britt and i. we've grown up with this family. lauren and emilie are both pregnant and due at the end of march a week a part from each other. this is a shower to welcome lauren's daughter, emma.

we had fun with the decorations. emilie made the diaper cake and we hung white lanterns and added some "baby bling" with the mirror garland that i made and hung it all from britt's dining room ceiling.

the beautiful johnson girls...hillary, lauren, brenda, emilie

below is brenda making a onsie for her new grandaughter:)
in britt's amaaaaaaazing new studio(as we call it) patrick crafted this studio
with his own 2 hands! i feel like it is partly mine because of sissy's designs. i love how clean and bright it is. awesome job, patty!

we jazzed up the party with having the guests create their own onsie for little ej. it was a lot of fun!


Jeanette said...

this is so cute! what a great idea to have guests make the baby a unique onesie!!!! love it. you should send that to tip junkie....who's craft room is that? i'm jealous~

Kendall said...

pretty pics.
great job on the shower.
I think about the Johnson girls from time to time with 3 girls of my own now. They are one of the few families I knew growing up with 3 girls.