cloth diapers

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

we have decided to use cloth diapers for baby #2
i'm not a big granola and want to save the environment...actually i have become really cheap!
just wanted to pass along a GREAT diaper on ebay that i found.
i bought 1 and britt tried it out on iris and they work perfectly!
i am really excited, mainly bc i knew it would be an investment at first and these are such an amazing deal. for 14 the total was $76 (actually shipping was free, but i'm sure that is always rolled into the price)
we were most likely going to go with bum genius cloth diapers and they are about $20 for 1 diaper!! this is a HUGE savings!!!!!

did she just say that?

Monday, February 21, 2011

payton is definitely showing off her vocabulary. she has been saying some of the funniest things.
i've been collecting her words for the past few months. of course it's better when you hear it from her, but writing it will help me to share and remember.

"mom, i need to check my email!" (as she is climbing up to the computer)

we picked pearl up from the groomer and they put bows on her ears. at the groomer she yelled
"oh, mommy, pearl has pigtails!" (obviously this is from a few months back.)

negotiating nap time for marshmallows

"mommy has a nipple on her chin" (that translates to a pimple on her chin)

"mom, stop saying "huh" (i asked her to repeat something one too many times and she got annoyed)

mommy: "payton, what are you doing standing on top of the counter!?"
payton: "i'm getting a treat for pearl"

mommy: "paytie please go clean up your toys"
paytie: "i will in just a minute"
mom: no, now, payton
paytie: i will, mom (with a teenager tude)

"mooooom, i can't wear my jacket, you won't see my pretty dress"

nap time can be a pleasant experience or dreadful. this is what she was yelling from her bed
"don't treat me this waaaaayyyyyy!"
(we are working on being respectful and i guess i've said, "payton, don't treat me this way" a few times.)

no, i get 2 m&ms when i go poopoo, not 1

happy valentine's day

Monday, February 14, 2011

our morning started off with making a card for daddy and
blueberry muffins with coffee...

then some much needed rest after a dr. appt for baby and a trip to the store....

after nap time and a little crafting on my own, daddy came home to look at
his new pics in his photo album (since we've been dating for v-day i've added 10 new photos of the past year to this handmade photo album) paytie got a new princess tin lunch box

paytie missed her valentine's party at chucke chees's last week, so i jazzed up our home for a
heart shaped pizza dinner... thanks mom and dad for the pizza and chocolate
covered strawberries :) thanks audra, for the paper lanterns.

oh, did i mention we are all sick with cold/flu stuff.
hints the dazed looks.

i wrote in jord's valentine's card
"in sickness and in health" :)

love you schatze


Monday, February 7, 2011

after much consideration we decided to give pearl to a new home.
with the baby coming and pearl still not having a good grasp on potty training and darts out the door if ever left opened, we came to craigslist.

i've been putting it off for about a week. i talked with payton about pearl going to a new home and she looked at me with a confused look and asked, "why pearl have to go to a new home?"

today i put an add on craigslist and within 20 minutes i had about 6 serious calls on her. i had 2 people on their way to meet her and when the first person bought her i called back the other one.
she went to a really good home. it is an older couple that wanted a pal for their little 4 pound pom mix. pearl and her got along great and off pearl went to her new home.

payton on the other hand was screaming, "don't take my pearly!" it was awful. i was trying to hide my tears and instead we jumped in the car to go see daddy at work (we picked up a cherry lime aid on the way) i tried to help her understand that pearl needs a friend to play with and that mommy will need your help when the baby comes.

on the way there i had to get gas in my car and payton asked why and i told her gas is like food for my car. she said, " pearl need food and treats" i said yes baby, you're right.
she also asked when is the man going to bring back pearl. :(

this is tough...they were buddies and i feel really bad, but i know she is 2 and she will bounce back.

pic of the day

Thursday, February 3, 2011

did that make you smile or cringe?

one of the funny pics from our vacation last week. i am still deciding how i want to blog about all the pics, so for now this is what you get, lol!