
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

..... we have been up to double french braids.......

.....a growing tummy......

....organizing pots and pans....

....story time with cuz- so so sweet....
(she is sitting in his lap)

.....a disaster with baby powder--so so NOT sweet......

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

happy birthday little beau
this is my long time friend, amanda's, son.

march 21st
9lbs 8oz
21 1/4"

busy playing with her bday presents.
this is a cash register that scans things and she can swipe her credit card....uh oh :)
she loves it! thanks great grandma nannie.

happy 3rd birthday payton

Monday, March 21, 2011

march 20, 2008 payton made her debut into this world with a big surprise to us all.(if you didn't know, she was a HE for 9 months) we have shared 3 wonderful years with her and can't wait to watch her grow into a woman of God.

we went with the fam to mighty fine for burgers, cookie cake and play time.

jord preforming his daddy duties and helping with her messy hands.

sweet iris loves to celebrate, too

awe, they do love each other.

payton's B&B 3rd birthday

payton loves breakfast so we decided to do something different and have the party
at breakfast time and call it a pajama party. i transformed our dining table into a bed and placed all the yummy food on top. i used the front part of her crib as the headboard, i made 2 pillow cases (that i am turning into dresses for her) and i borrowed some other pillows from britt. i used a feather bed under the brown table cloth to give it a duvet look and sewed a plastic purple table cloth to look like a dust ruffle.

i prepared her that she was not getting a birthday cake at the party, but panCAKEs.
she enjoyed it knowing she was getting a cake on sunday her actual bday.

we have really been working on those 3 fingers to pop up at the same time.

look at her precious night gown and matching robe. my mother-in-law made it from scratch!
payton oooed and awwed when she put it on. it is so very special and something she will
have for years to come. she even got it monogrammed.

friends enjoying pancakes on payton's new picnic table from juju and pops.

my inlaws do such a great job collecting disney dvds for her
(oh my, what is that big melon to the left?)

a handmade purse from the hallams
and her own babydoll stroller from patty, britt, nanny and papa.

i sent all the kiddos home with more breakfast food, cereal, and
a personalized bowl.

payton's BGR

the big unveil.....payton's big girl room!

the first pic is a little sad. on friday the 18th at 4:00 in the affternoon her room looked like this and we were expecting guests from okc to stay in her room that night. hgtv would've been impressed with our mad decorating in a matter of hours. my family was a life savor and it was completed just before they arrived. i was REALLY pleased with how it turned out and payton just squealed when she saw it.


i painted all the furniture and loved how it all came together.

we re-purposed the art work with some old frames, spray paint, cute prints, scrapbook paper,
and mod podge

her first night to sleep in there was sunday night on her actual bday. she was soooooo happy to be in her bgr!
jord and i both crawled in bed with her to read a story. it was such a wonderful family memory
that we will never forget.

new floors

Sunday, March 13, 2011

kitchen floors are ready for baby #2!
everyone worked very hard on saturday and it looks WONDERFUL!
i am so please with the outcome!

original linoleum was given a face lift with some jazzy black and
white tiles. patrick laid the first one and then it was a major team effort with the fam.
payton even helped move the oven back in :)
she really thought she was moving it.


the above pic is our living/dining room during the tile renovation
the below pic is from 3 years ago when we decided to refinish our wood floors
about 8 weeks before payton was born.

oh projects......feels like they are never ending

tent time

believe it or not, this is our first tent to make.
she was happy with one sheet. we made some great memories
and even ate pizza under there.

preggers painting

Monday, March 7, 2011

maybe this is over the top, but i had to post it. thought you could use a laugh!
no, i did out grow this tshirt, just thought it added a great effect to the picture.
i mean how many 31 week pregnant women do you get to see standing on a ladder, painting, wearing a gas mask with her big belly hanging out!? LOL!

(we were toning down the yellow in payton's BGR. we had a hard day of projects. my dad was fixing payton's swing set, mom was sanding down a dresser for this room, jord and patrick ripped up the linoleum, then painted, and i cut in the trim with paint. britt was jealous it was a family project day, she gets a natural high off of these kind of days.)
thank you fam!!!!