Saturday, May 30, 2009

All Wet!

we had a wet day when we got home on thursday! it was so much fun to let loose and let her get all wet in her clothes. paytie knows i water the plants when we get home and this day SHE went over to the nozzle and tried to turn the water on. it was adorable. so, after i sprinkled her with water and she was squeeling at the top of her lungs i let her have the hose. it is a memory i will always think of.

look at those CURLS! sis and i had tons of curls when we were kiddos

...stop judging me...i know there's calcium build up on the hose, i just had to get this shot

...we played and played until daddy came home and then there was a BIG smile!
daddy got a big birthday balloon from his sweet coworkers. i think she thought it was hers.

she smiled this big when she saw his truck turn the corner. awwww

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

the big 27!!!

my hubby is 27 years old today! we had a great night with family. we all went to hula hut and then had coffee and cupcakes at mozart's. (cupcakes by then came home and skyped with nana and grandad. as you can see paytie loves cupcakes.

i love my husband so much! he is such an amazing, godly man, wonderful husband and caring father.

zum geburtstag mein schatz!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

baby and puppy...
this is lincoln. he is our neighbors new little puppy, well actually he is a great dane so he wont be little for too long. he is just 3 months old. check out those paws!!! paytie is looking forward to putting a sadle on his back and trotting around the backyard.

another great bathtime

Sunday, May 17, 2009 don't judge her too hard, she is only 13 months.
this is her version of a duckie and puppy sound.

sunday school

paytie moved up to the walking class at church. they get to go on stroller rides together. she may look a little concerned, but the next pic shows she is relaxing and enjoying it.

the little girl in the bottom left is also named payton elizabeth...crazy!

Bathroom business

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

payton officially brushes her own teeth, and is potty trained....well not exactly.
we have been brushing her teeth with a baby toothbrush and just recently got her a big girl one to brush all 13 teeth. i have to confess something, i thought she had a cavity! i had an appointment with the ped. dentist and everything. there was a black spot on the roof of her mouth against her teeth line and first i took her to pediatrician and they were concerned enough to refer us to the dentist. i was a little dramatic (imagine that) with the dentist receptionist and said my 13 month old can't have a silver tooth, that is so ugly! come to find out it was a black bean skin stuck in her gum. yuck, i know, but at least it wasn't more serious.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Chocolate Dreams attended the prom!!
britt and i helped out mom and dad with one of their fountain events and it was quite memorable as you can see. the people watching was classic and the photos were a blast. the photo company let us take pics in their little booth and we decided to use the table decorations as props. it was so much fun stepping back into time and going to one last prom. it was at the double tree in austin-where i had my prom at :)
on a side note, i don't see how some dads let their daughters out of the house half dressed.
sorry the pics are a little small...enjoy a laugh!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

my sweet payton made me her first mother's day gift. (i have to admit i teared up) she moved up to a new sunday school class because she can walk and they helped her make this preciouse gift for me. awww!
jordan spoiled me with a mani and pedi and then to get a massage when we go to breckenridge, co. i'm looking forward to it.

being a mom...
i love being a mom! i love our dear payton. i love holding her, laughing with her, and rocking her to sleep. being a mom has so many rewards and i am so blessed to call her my daughter. i love you payton!

being a daughter...
i love my mom. (juju as paytie calls her) i have really wonderful memories with her. from family trips to girl shopping trips. she has always been there for me even when i had a rotton adolescent attitude. :) i love you mom!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

She's Walking!!!!

Orlando without Mickey Mouse?

Our girl went on another trip...this time it was to Orlando for my high school friend, Amanda's, wedding. She did awesome on the flight. It left Austin at 6:30AM so she went in her pj's.

Manda was simply beautiful! Her fiancee, Johnny, was really sweet. I had a lot of fun seeing the Mills family and being there for her. I sang at the ceremony and reception.

Her beautiful veil was her mothers and she had pink shoes under that gorgeous gown. The back drop on the stage was so unique. It was a wall mural of the country side. It felt like we were outside in a field. It all came together beautifully.

after the wedding we went back to the hotel and relaxed by the pool.
paytie did a great job on this trip. she was a little fussy at the airport bathroom, but other than that, she was a champ!

OKC trip

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

here are pics from our okc trip. paytie played with audra and oliver. she gave hugs to rex the dog and saved her kisses just for oli! we discovered she loves baby einstein. it was a life savor on the car ride.

quick trip to OKC

friday night to sunday afternoon sure does go by fast when you spend 12 hours in the car. we went up to okc 2 weeks ago for a quick trip. paytie played at her great grams"gg" house and plastered her face to the front door :) love it!
i had to comment on the backyeard pic. this is gg's house. she has been there for almost 45 years. when she first moved in there was nothing in her backyard. she planted everything you see! isn't that amazing. one of the trees used to be twig from a flower
she recieved. green thumb?