
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

we knew snow was in the forcast, but's texas!
my students freaked out!!! we went out 2 times for recess and had a
grand 'ol time.
this is one of my sweet coworkers, erin. i just love our friendship.


Monday, February 22, 2010

Sunday, February 21, 2010

listening to saturday morning rain

our trip to sheplers

Saturday, February 20, 2010


i told you she was a kicker at heart
check out those purple rockie mountains!!!!!!

(that's a lamp shade on her head, and those are black rockie mountains she is wearing.
....there is a reason the curling iron is her bestfriend)

we are gearing up for payton's barnyard birthday bash!
it is hard to believe i am planning her 2nd birthday already.
before payton was born(aka jonas) she was given a pair of boots but they didn't
fit yet so we were able to exchange them for her current size. e got a
pair too and they both looooove them.

sheplers has not changed one bit since 1992 when i was there last
with my family picking out brittanys rebe macintire outfit.
(she went through a "kicker" phase)

attempting potty training

...any advice?
she will sit down with
her pants on and
read a magazine.
sometimes i can get her diaper off
but nothing happens. she screams if i sit her on the big potty.

our 1st 10k

Friday, February 19, 2010

so, it's official (once you post anything that makes it official)
jordan and i are going to run in our 1st ever 10k!
we will be running all around downtown austin. up congress to the capitol
back around to run along side lady bird lake.
i am excited and nervous! jordan enjoys running...i on the other
hand do not :)
i do, however, enjoy being with my family when we run in our neighborhood.
payton loves being outside and is constantly trying to hand us
goldfish :)

...Oooo...i need to buy a new workout outfit for the big day...ross, here i come!

library valentine's party

Thursday, February 18, 2010

last week the kiddos went to the library and got a sugar high!

for some reason i obsessed over this party....i was excited for paytons first valentine's party! i made her a shirt with a little birdie shaped heart and then heart shaped rice crispie treats.
amanda made cupcakes that everyone enjoyed!

payton gave
aspen a matching hair clip. i think it's funny how little hair payton has in the front and how much hair aspen has.

happy presidents day

Monday, February 15, 2010

dear presidents,

thank you so much for your birthdays and letting me have a day at home with my girl!

valentines package from nana and grandad

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

this year my husband surprised me with a HD flip video camera! he gave it to me a little early(he just can't wait) by recording himself and telling me how much he loves me...awww then on friday we went to dinner at amantes italian restaurant on the square and headed to austin for a chocolate festival, but we got the times wrong and missed it. so, we headed home to watch couples retreat. we really had a wonderful time together. thank you, schatze..ich liebe dich!

valentine's is a big deal in elementary school minus the love's all about the candy, cupcakes, and party. my third graders gave me way too much chocolate(that i regifted to the murrays and she regifted to her garbage me...haha) and a whole bunch of valentines. i had to take a pic of my bag i made and a few of my valentines. do you remember the old school valentines? i always wanted to buy the ones with the sucker, but my parents were always too cheap!

jordan's parents also sent us valentines. we recorded payton opening come soon.

family day at the library

we enjoyed a nice bike ride to the library as a fam. payton loves riding in her trailer. she also loves the library! she goes every thursday with juju. the georgetown library has such a great children's area. there is no story time on saturday, but she enjoyed playing (she never meets a stranger) and reading books.

back into sewing

i've been on a sewing kick. i've made, onsies, baby lovie blankets, drooldanas, burpcloths, a shirt for paytie, hair clips, and i just made this draw string bag for miss aspen.

pregnant sisters

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

emilie and lauren are our childhood friends.
they are sisters and obviously pregnant. they are
due at the end of march 1 week apart.
i just had to share these adorable pics of them

overjoyed auntie

the johnson crew...
there are husbands out there to these unborn children...maybe they are playing video games while they get the chance.

why i love him...

...because he makes me laugh

Mrs. Wonderly's 3rd Grade Class

here are my 19 munchkins!
they are a good group of kiddos. they make you laugh and go crazy all in one lesson :)
this week we went to the austin nature center and really enjoyed our time learning about the planets and constellations.

Monday, February 1, 2010

sunday night smoothies!

our new family tradition


this week it was fruit(grapes, strawberries, pinapple, & peaches) oj, and vanilla yogurt.

i like using frozen fruit because it makes it thick and then you don't have to add ice.