Saturday, August 28, 2010

we celebrated with britt at my house
check out the pics and more here

home makeover

for my bday i got shutters and the boys put them up today.
it totally transforms the front of our home. it's just what our house needed!
thanks, fam!

i love him!

i will always love this picture.
my cousin, kc, took this pic with an original 1970's 35mm camera.
it is her father-in-laws. we were all at a wedding and she was experimenting with it.
the lighting, the pose, the photographer, my man...i love it all!
thanks, kc


when jord gives paytie a bath he likes to
give her a nice hairdo that drives me nuts, like a good ol fashion comb over
or a slicked back look. so this time i decided to give her a comb forward!
we got a great laugh out of it. paytie even cracked up!

presents for iris

Monday, August 23, 2010

i made iris a monthly photo-op onsie!
it is a 12 month onsie and each month britt will attach the corresponding #
to the onsie and snap away. by the time she is 12 months old she will have monthly pics and see how she fills out the onsie, since it will be really big at the beginning.
i also made her my first attempt at an "ugly doll" have you heard of them?
they are really cute and ugly all in one little stuffed monster.
this one is complete with a glass eye :) don't worry i reinforced it.
(sorry the pic is sideways)

lazy nights, sweet memories

Thursday, August 19, 2010

last night we put paytie to sleep and made some muffins and coffee and watched a cheezy
chick flick. i'm kinda embarrassed to admit what we watched...well jord fell asleep half way through.
i love the lazy nights with jord! go ahead and guess what we watched. i'll give you a hint it just came out on redbox.

Aww, naptime!

Friday, August 13, 2010

a quiet house, a yummy snack and my craft room :)
i am a happy girl

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

as you know i am another year older and so is my mom!
it is really special to share a birthday with your mom.
i love getting that 1st call from her in the morning and hearing her say,
"happy birthday, ashley" and i get to say, "happy birthday, mom"
i love you mom. thank you for always being there for me.
happy birthday!

my special day started at the pool.
it was kale's 4th birthday and my 28th, and my moms 58th.(yes, mom i just told everyone how old you are) barie made me a flower/superhero cupcake :) britt made mom and me yummy sandwich cookies! oh yes!

look at britt's adorable belly...she doesn't think it is too adorable, but i do

sun bathing! lol

my sweet, sweet jordan got me this special necklace off etsy.
it's paytie's silhouette! it looks just like her!!!! my inlaws gave me a rockin cupcake book and moolah!

britt prepared an amazing meal tonight for mom and me.
my family bought me shutters for our front windows.
i can't wait to get them!

paytie is so fast! this pic is not perfect, but i like it:)

Mmmm, wine, cheese, bread, salad, corn, steak with homemade blue cheese sauce, sausage, mashed potatoes, and creme brulee! wow!

i love my family! thank you all for a wonderful day. you made me feel so special!

Happy Birthday Sweetheart!!!! (August 11, 1982)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I don't think you could be any cuter! You are such a blessing to me and I love you so much. I hope you have a wonderful birthday!
Love Always,

felt and feathers

Monday, August 9, 2010

i have been on a felt crafting kick lately!
today i found some feathers and just had to turn them into
fyi-they are for sale :)

the latest news in the Wondy house

Sunday, August 8, 2010

yummy super food. i love her green mustache
s.f. is a fruit/veggie juice, she calls is a smoothie
i call it "get the girl to poop juice"!

trying out mr. potato heads glasses

invited to her first "big girl" bday party
Hawaiian style
(emma's mom, dionne, made that awesome cake!
she is very talented and for hire!)

1st pair of tap shoes! i scored these at a consignment sale.
they are the brand bloch and i got them for $3!!!!! they are pricey shoes!
i loooove deals!

summer fun 2010

Monday, August 2, 2010

my favorites of our summer 2010...enjoy!

daddy lovin

fairy ball in okc

treasure hunting with pops

rock the rock...aka vbs

1st hair cut

berry pickin

the original real life group

my 10 yr high school reunion family picnic...hired a clown, she loved it

her 1st job-she fed our neighbors turtle, fish & cat

1st tattoo...shhhh don't tell his grandma

dinosaur park

relaxing pool side