Thursday, January 27, 2011

we are coming home, paytie! see you after nap time on friday!
miss you our sweet love.
mommy & daddy

away to metz, france we go

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

jordan made this awesome video all on his iphone!

Monday, January 24, 2011

today we ventured in to the city of kaiserslautern while chelsea was at work.
it is so pretty. drew was quite the tour guide. i found a great statue on a fountain. we did a photo op together, lol.

love taking pics of old buildings. every building is old here.
off to metz, france tomorrow for a quick afternoon trip...stay tuned.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

after a great sermon (preached by drew)
we went to castle burg nanstein that overlooked the town of landstuhl
we are back at home where they are making a us a yummy asian soup

Germany 2011

Saturday, January 22, 2011

we made it! (for those of you who didnt know it...we are in germany)
we arrived today at 5:00am your time. it was a long flight with a big pregnant woman(thats me)
who had crazy amounts of indegestion the whole 10 hour flight, lol. but we are here visiting our friends drew and chelsea in kaiserslautern. then we are off to frankfurt on wednesday to see some other friends.

we had a cold walk around mainz and stopped by our friends coffee shop (that is a church on sunday) to warm up with some very stong, but yummy coffee!
more pics to come.
we miss you paypay!

index finger- get ready.....

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

get set, SPRAY PAINT!

i have been a busy girl painting, painting, painting!

here are payties new/old pieces of furniture that will be in her BGR
(big girl room)

check out this rad 1940's wardrobe i bought on craigslist for $65.
it has original labels on the shelves that say socks, shirts, underwear, and pajamas

a metal side table that will be next to her bed that my neighbor put to the curb. *FREE*
don't worry about me painting, i wear a scary gas mask that patrick let me borrow.
i bet it was a little disturbing for my neighbors to see me pregnant, spray painting in my front yard with a gas mask on. (spray paint fumes go all over the place...pic to follow)

there is also another dresser that is not pictured that i got for FREE from the same neighbor.
there is not a closet in her new room, so we needed to have enough furniture for her stuff.
and her bed was basically FREE bc we bought it 4 years ago as a guest bed and it's been in the garage for 3 years.

all to be transformed in to the happy colors that are in payties new bedding!
every single color will be represented, too!!!!
so far i have the wardrobe, bed frame, & side table spray painted.
the bed is my favorite(it's the deep pinkish tone in the bedding)
the bedroom walls have 2 coats of paint and i think i need to tone down the sunshine yellow
with a 3rd coat of not so sunny sunshine. jord and i have also been painting the original wains coating white. it takes a lot long than we hoped.
but her room will be nothing shy of dull! we are even painting the floors!
i can't wait to show you more pics.

for sale...SOLD

Thursday, January 13, 2011

sold it to a lucky dude on craigslist!
yeah, money in the piggy bank for payties new big girl mattress!

just posted this futon on craigslist, trying to make room for
baby #2

loves her bubbles

in search of...

a new biscuit and pancake recipe!
we love breakfast foods around here, morning or night.
it's cheaper to make these two items from scratch bc you always
have the ingredients around. my biscuits are too dense and my
pancakes are too cakey.

anyone have a good recipe? i would love to have it.


Monday, January 3, 2011

before christmas, erin & mike had us over for dinner.
here are some memories.

last time we were hanging out sweet payton invited herself over for dinner!
erin made a yummy roast chicken and veggies.

christmas 2010

we have so many things to be thankful for!
we shared a beautiful christmas eve service together at our church and headed to
my parents for a sleepover.
we all woke up to mom's cinnamon rolls and had a wonderful morning.

paytie got a musical princess book and was listening very carefully.

a tradition new tradition at our home is hunting for the pickle.
my dad hides it in the tree (it's an ornament,not a real pickle) and we search!
this was jord's attempt....patrick won.

late afternoon jord's parents arrived and we had christmas with them.
here, paytie is opening a roll full on $1 bills. we went to ikea the next day to purchase her
table and chairs. she eats and colors at it all the time.

did you know...

everyone always says each pregnancy is different...they're right!
since november i have been getting really bad leg pains behind my knees and a couple weeks ago a friend asked me if i had varicose veins (i hadn't checked in a couple of weeks) and to my surprise they popped up over night it seemed. my fair skin is showing the results that i will have forever(unless i get laser removal)

for now i am in pain and i needed some support and i ordered these black leggings. i thought they were so much better than the full "compression stockings" as they call them. they are sooooo unattractive! but i thought these were a much better choice and it helped to see a cute pregnant lady in heels wearing them. plus it's like wearing spanks all the time, nice to feel a little less plumpy when you're preggers.

FYI- NEVER google varicose veins and click the "image" button. i gasped and teared up!
mine are not bulging out like the pic, but i have small purple veins.

**update**i just got them in the mail today and i had to laugh at myself while i was putting them on. oh, wow, 4 months of wearing these everyday! lol