get set, SPRAY PAINT!
i have been a busy girl painting, painting, painting!
here are payties new/old pieces of furniture that will be in her BGR
(big girl room)

check out this rad 1940's wardrobe i bought on craigslist for $65.
it has original labels on the shelves that say socks, shirts, underwear, and pajamas

a metal side table that will be next to her bed that my neighbor put to the curb. *FREE*
don't worry about me painting, i wear a scary gas mask that patrick let me borrow.
i bet it was a little disturbing for my neighbors to see me pregnant, spray painting in my front yard with a gas mask on. (spray paint fumes go all over the place...pic to follow)

there is also another dresser that is not pictured that i got for FREE from the same neighbor.
there is not a closet in her new room, so we needed to have enough furniture for her stuff.
and her bed was basically FREE bc we bought it 4 years ago as a guest bed and it's been in the garage for 3 years.

all to be transformed in to the happy colors that are in payties new bedding!
every single color will be represented, too!!!!
so far i have the wardrobe, bed frame, & side table spray painted.
the bed is my favorite(it's the deep pinkish tone in the bedding)
the bedroom walls have 2 coats of paint and i think i need to tone down the sunshine yellow
with a 3rd coat of not so sunny sunshine. jord and i have also been painting the original wains coating white. it takes a lot long than we hoped.
but her room will be nothing shy of dull! we are even painting the floors!
i can't wait to show you more pics.